34 Beautiful Adventures And Journey Quotes For Couples

adventure and journey quotes for couples

34 Beautiful Adventures and journey quotes for couples

It is rightly said that”couples who travel together stay together “. Travelling with your partner is truly wonderful to experience.

No matter you are going on your honeymoon trip for the first time or you have travelled together for a number of times and going on another new trip, Travelling together will give you a whole new experience every time.

Also, when you go on different adventures together it makes your bond stronger because you come back with new memories every time. So, if you just came back from a trip or planning to go on a trip and you are looking for some adventures and journey quotes for couples to express your experience then you’ve come to the right place.

Here on wanderersplanet we have collected some of the most beautiful adventures and journey quotes for couples. Read all these quotes and then share your favourite ones.

15 Amazing adventures and journey quotes for couples

Chase adventure chase happiness, chase all the beautiful things life has to offer and chase them together.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

As long as you are beside me, It doesn’t matters where we are going.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Travel for romance, travel for adventure and travel to get lost together.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Never go on trips with anybody you don’t cherish.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

I simply need to hold your hand and meander the avenues with you.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Let’s locate some delightful places to get lost together.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

I want to travel the world with you.

adventure and journey quotes for couples

Be careful who you travel with because the memories you”ll make will last forever.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Travel becomes more powerful, when you travel with the person you love.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Travel brings power and love back to your life.

adventure and journey quotes for couples

Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime of adventures.

Lewis Carroll
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Let’s breathe the air of new cities together.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

The goal is to make memories and laugh forever with someone you take seriously.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

In the end, the only trip that we regret is the one we didn’t take.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Travel is the best investment for your love

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

10 Beautiful journey quotes

Good Company In A Journey Makes The Way Seem Shorter.

Izaak Walton
adventure and journey quotes for couples

When I Saw You I Knew A Grand Adventure Was About To Happen.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

If You Want To Go Fast Go Alone. If You Want To Go Far Go Together.

African Proverb
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Enjoying an adventure with your loved one means enjoying the adventure 100% more.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Find someone who makes you feel like home even on your wildest adventures.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Going on adventures together keeps your hearts young and love alive.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Make memories all over the world .

adventure and journey quotes for couples

Maturity is realising that you become rich by collecting memories, not by collecting things.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

I would gladly go anywhere if it meant I could see the world with you.

Shubham Shukla
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There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.

Jawaharlal Nehru
adventure and journey quotes for couples

9 More adventures and journey quotes:

Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you how to love each other better.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

No road is long with good company.

Turkish Proverb
adventure and journey quotes for couples

“I have found out there is no surer way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.

Mark Twain
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Only those who can take the risk to go too far can possibly get to know how far they can go.

T.S Eliot
adventure and journey quotes for couples

We don’t need fancy clothes and diamond rings. We need passports, Tickets and backpacks.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

People never forget two things, their first love and their first adventure.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

When we travel together, we feel blessed.

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

The most beautiful thing in the world, is, of course, the world itself.

Wallace Stevens
adventure and journey quotes for couples

Just hold my hand and I’ll go anywhere with you

Shubham Shukla
adventure and journey quotes for couples

If you enjoy reading all these beautiful adventures and journey quotes for couples then please share these quotes with your loved ones.

Also, read: 48 Short wander quotes to uplift your wanderlust