48 Short Wander Quotes To Uplift Your Wanderlust

short wander quotes

Knowledge feeds your mind, food feeds your body and travel feed your soul. Travelling helps you to explore different places and experience different cultures. Travelling boosts your confidence and enhances your inner peace. It keeps the boredom away and makes you realise how tiny your problems are. So, don’t wait to travel because you can earn money later but you can’t earn time. Here are some amazing short wander quotes to uplift your wanderlust.

Best Short Wander Quotes

Keep taking the journeys until you meet yourself.

Wander quotes

Some wander to get lost and some wander to find themselves.

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The plane ticket is the answer no matter what the problem is.

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It takes courage to go where you have never been before.

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For some lessons, you have to go place to place because not all lessons are taught in the classrooms.

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In order to begin something new, we need to accept the end .

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Give me innumerable cash and worldwide free plane tickets and you will never see me again.

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Mountains are cold and the beaches are hot. Go everywhere because one life is all that we got.

Wander quotes

Travel is the best investment for your soul.

Miles to go before I sleep.

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In the end, the only trip that we regret is the one we didn’t take.

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Physically I am in the office and mentally on Miami beach ordering my second mojito.

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Fuck savings and book the tickets.

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Good things come to those who choose to go on adventures.

Wander quotes

Make memories all over the world.

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Maturity is realising that you become rich by collecting memories, not by collecting things.

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Let the road decide where the journey will end.

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When the journey is beautiful, who cares about the destination.

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Learn to trust the journey even when you don’t know the roads.

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Life is a journey, and we all are travellers, travelling through different paths just to reach the same destination that is death.

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Sometimes it’s good to get lost.

You can’t buy memories but when you travel you can make a new memory on every turn.

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Go as far as you can and when you reach there then go further.

Wander quotes

Life is a journey, It doesn’t matters where the journey will end but you should know where to start.

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Don’t just travel to take a break from life. Travel to give life something it deserves.

Shubham Shukla
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Also read: 20+ Beautiful Quotes About Waterfalls And Life

Popular Quotes About Wander

Travel is fatal to prejudice,bigotry and narrow mindness. and many of our people need sorely on these accounts.

wander quoutes

Wanderlust: a strong desire for or impulse to wander or travel and explore the world”

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All the beautiful things start at the end of fear and comfort zone.

Shubham Shukla
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Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.

 Sarah Frances Brown (Mother of author H Jackson Brown)
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Go to heaven for the climate and hell for the company.

Benjamin Franklin Wade
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Death is certain so don’t worry about it but life is uncertain so as long as it lasts take charge of it.

Vandit Vasudeva
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To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all

Oscar Wilde
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More Quotes About Wander

Go where you feel most alive

Wander quotes

I don’t know why people live their life in circles when they can take the straight road and go as far as they can.

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You’ll never find great things in your comfort zone

Wander quotes

Don’t try to stop the waves, learn to surf with them

Wander quotes

Staying home is like reading the same page of the book again and again.

Wander quotes

Never resist your wanderlust

Wander quotes

The Journey is the next destination

Wander quotes

Never stop exploring


Go offline for a while and embrace the beauty and love of nature.

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Unplanned trips are always the best ones.

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When you travel to new places, you don’t have time to regret the past or worry about the future because all you want to do is to live the present moment.

Wander quotes

All I want is the golden sand and a loyal heart.

short wander quotes

Travel is not a vacation, it’s education.

Wander quotes

If your mind can go there why can’t you?

Wander quotes

Passion led us here.

short wander quotes

Collect moments, not things.

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Best Video Quotes About Wander

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Also read: 34 Beautiful adventures and journey quotes for couples.